Monday, September 04, 2006

yakhty 3aleeha... yakhty 3aleeha ow yakhty 3aleeeha


NO! u cant hurt me with her.. bs everytime i can assign her name of a person i want to get back at or hurt and shell do the trick ;p

Tokfain!? Shino hatha?!
THERAPY sweety!
please dont write in yellow
and r u mastering vodo??!!
6la3at hathy swalfech jiji @@ jiji el moshaa3wetha 3baly bs Zombie
Hey thats cute....did you make it?
Tell me how..I want a voodoo doll too! }:D
Where'd you get it? :-p
-zizo: hathy binty.. ween ma aroo7 ashbek`ha weyay ;p

-lialy: i thought u of all ppl would love it!

-3abeer: why? voodoo is an ancient art.. its therapuetic ;p

-albandry: yes.. DARK VOODOO jiji ;p

-common: am the mistress of the underworld.. including zombies, voodoo, sha3watha.. har6aqa.. spells and potions :) kolloh koollloh.. inta 3awez eh bs ana ba3milo ;p

-aurora: hehehe sweetie.. i didnt make it ;p i bought it ;p

-addora: i got it from this shop next to vavavooms perfumes entrance.. i think its called pilgrim.. they HAVE WOWINGY WOWY things :)
-laialy: oooh *hug* we have ourselves alil poet here dont we :*
baby..Free therapy..ill get u in:P
mmm, ana gelt sha'3la wa7da bs shnoooo elbajy :D
-lilacs: why therapy? ill teach ya if u want! tabeen?

-a daydreamer: *puts on evil face* might b you darling so back off hehehehe ;p

-common: there is more 7ata ;p
Hehehehe!! Sij yakhty 3alaiha =D
ساحرة يالطيبة؟
only if you say so :)

* trying to avoid a spell that could be casted incase I disagree*
-nunu: ee yakhteey 3leeeha *raya ow skeena style* ;p

-i_live_in_q8: hmmm... or am i ;p ee der balik ;p

-3abeer: am no evil (NOT) ;p
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