Friday, August 18, 2006

Excuse me, where is your car parked?

so there i was.. 6 pm in marina mall`s parking lot.. 15 minutes till movie starts.. i thought id find a spot, but i forgot it was friday.. so i thought if i didnt find a spot to park im goin to valet..

so i saw this family coming from the mall headed to where the cars are parked.. so i roll down my window and ask this young man and his wife -am not racist bs thats the only was to explain it- who were not kuwaitis.. i asked them ib kil bara2a ow 6ufoooolaaa "law sama7taw ween saf6een sayaratkom?"... they take a look at me, then.. ignored me.. so i thought ina ok jiji calm down!.. then yat warahom a girl aged 16 aw shy chethy.. she was with her parents.. so again, i ask "la sama7ty, ween saf6en sayaratkom?".. also.. they were nonkuwaitis!!!! she ignores!!!! ana hney inba66at chabdy shisaaalllfaa lesh kilmaaan ignoring me!!! chan i ask her again.. she turns to me and says "sho seya7a?!".. i say "no sayaraaa!!".. she says "sa3aa?".. my face went from the sweet kind expression to WTF seeeedaa!!!! shinoooo!!! shtaby hal hablaa!!! i was screaming! and we were less than 8 feet apart!! waaayyyyy i7taraaaiiiittt!!!! leeesh cheeethy!!!! lesh!! ok atleast the girl answered me! the couple looked at me and ignored me ashkaraa!! WHY??!?!!?!


-tinki: ok shes DEAF! ammanna billah! bs the 2st couple??!! ha explain THAT?
OK, I'm probably living under a rock cuz this is my first time in your new blog. Anyway, that was completely nerve racking...I wouldn't be surprised if you went Kun-Fo on their asses.
-fallen angel: laa ur not livin under a rock -yet ;p- i just moved in here so stop beatin urself ;p

walla kung-fu karate ti-chi ay rage aw ba6eekh makan ra7 efish khil2ey feehom!!!! y3ny qillat adab! i would if i could, but i had a movie to catch ;p
Why were you going to the movies anyways?
LOL .. maybe you should have spoken to them in English?
scarlo: mooty 7arra ur eatin taters and am out having fun ;p

-laialy: sa3a as in "time"!!!

-princess mestiza: 6al eb 3enhom english kil wa7da ow 7jabha elwa6wa6 chenhom batmanat!
they need a hearing Aid i guess !
-fuzzy: hearing aid? they may need a walkin aid after ive uuuugghhhhh!!! 7addy mi7tarra
LOL. i would have really gotten pissed off LOL. though it can happen with either expats or kuwaitis, its the person(s) who are rude.
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